APAC Awards
Do you have a great project you would like to share with the community? Or a research paper you've been working on? Or perhaps you just finished a master’s course and wrote a great master’s final thesis? This is your opportunity to get your name out there and a great prize for you and your school!
Submit your project online in one of these categories:
Category A - Individual Teachers or Student Teachers - Research papers or research conducted in your own place of work.
First Prize Winner: Flight (200 euros) and registration fee to attend a language or culture course in the UK.
Prize for the runner-up: 250€ coupon to be spent on resources or materials for the school.
Category B - School or class group and their teachers - Materials or projects developed at class or school level.
First Prize Winner: 500€ coupon to be spent on resources or materials for the school.
Prize for the runner-up: 250€ coupon to be spent on resources or materials for the school
The deadline to submit your projects is on November 10th 2024.
If you have any questions, drop us a message at