Submit your proposal to present at APAC’s 2023 ELT Convention:
Move on up: Driving up standards in ELT
Join us, and make your ideas matter!
Deadline for proposals is 10th December 2022.
Psst! Bear in mind that you can score points for future oposicions both by attending the convention and presenting at it. APAC pays non-commercial presentations with a small fee. And, above all, you’ll be participating in a great community of teachers!
Move on up: Driving up standards in ELT
Looking back, it seems that the Catalan education system has been constantly in flux: Syllabi being rewritten, quick staff turnover, mandatory retraining, methodological changes, constant social pressure, lockdowns… We all strive to do our best within the circumstances, but students’ results have been inevitably affected by the resulting uncertainty. External factors have a palpable impact on students’ (and teachers’) performance, but they are unfortunately beyond our control. Let’s adopt a more productive point of view, and focus instead on the things we can change to have the maximum impact and drive up standards once more.
APAC welcomes proposals for methodological and theoretical presentations, posters, workshops and symposia that can contribute to raising standards and improve practice in different educational contexts, including issues such as:
Promoting in-depth learning through different methodologies and evidence-based approaches
Designing real communication opportunities within and beyond the classroom for students of all levels and ages
Topics to discuss as part of teacher education for pre-service and in-service foreign language teachers: improving teachers’ metalinguistic knowledge and skills, session and material design, competence-based learning, etc.
Projects carried out in your teaching context, including information about the process that you followed, the goals that you set, quality control, different points of view and tips for someone who would want to engage in a similar project
Design and use of formative assessment tools to promote learning and engage all learners
Development of reading, learning-to-learn and other gateway skills.
Poster presentations and participation in symposia will be 20 minutes long, whereas presentations and workshops will be 50 minutes long and include some time for questions and participation from the audience.
Submit your proposal before 10th December 2022, and keep the community moving onwards and upwards!